Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Only religion acceptable in the sight of God is Islam

Innaddeena Indallahil Islam

Islam is total submission to the will of God all mighty. And it is the religion of Abrham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon them all). There are unjustifiable attempts in the grass root level from anti-muslim elements and also from corrupt Muslim elements who are trying to preach hate and difference.

Some people trying to make their own interpretation to the "hadith" that describes about a 73 group that will prevail on the end times. But this condition is taken as to cause separations and justification to not being part of Islam and being part of and Islamic propagation.

Its pity that those who trying to interpret this to the groups who work for Good cause as to what they describe as the people destined to hell fire. Lack of understanding about the nature of the destruction that had already caused, many still think this as an excuse with God all mighty Allah.

Islam is a 'Missionary Religion' as Cristian sects  think that its their duty to make all of the world to become Cristian. We are also religiously binding ourselves to work on the good cause of spreading Islam.  Islam is a culmination of all religions of the earth and its a complete way of life. And Islam is the only religion acceptable in the sight of Allah.

Preach and practice and be part of spreading Islam. Non of you goign to be one of those 72 "Insha Allah"

Related links:

The Qur'an (Quran, Koran, Al-Qur'an). Translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. (mobi)
The Qur'an (Quran, Koran, Al-Qur'an). Translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. (mobi)

Three Translations of The Koran
Three Translations of The Koran

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