Seek answers for those allegations against Islam and Its prophet (pbuh) talk to people who opted the religion of truth. Most of all talk with your conscience.
Foundation to Islam is:
- Oneness of GOD (No partners, neither he begets, nor he had begotten)
- God has no form shape or size.
- God is ever living.
- God is the Creator.
God can be attributed with 99 names that will describe what God is.
{refer to Qur'an about 99 names of God}
As far as Muslims are concerned we don't have any issue if you believe in Jesus (pbuh) and if you "take the cross and follow him". If you do so you will automatically become a Muslim. We don't believe in salvation in terms of just accepting Jesus as the xavier. Jesus did not grant anyone in this world the "eternal life" accept for his disciples who lived according to the preachings of Jesus the Christos.
We believe Jesus (pbug) is the last of the prophets who came to the lost sheep of Israel. He is one of the mightiest Messengers of God. "Mary the mother of Jesus" Quran depicts as the woman above women of all nations. Israel are the Jews who accused Jesus as a blasphemer and tried to put him on the cross. We believe that God saved him on the cross.
If you are interested in reading the Quran on the go, get this (Mobi Poket) book.…
Read more about what Qur'an tells about Jesus, read this:…
My conscience, Inspired word of God.
Welcome to Islam: A Convert's Tale
Becoming Muslim: Western Women's Conversions to Islam (Culture, Mind and Society)
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